
Our EduTech team has curated a list of Computer Science and Cybersecurity Resources to help educators and students have access to quality training and support to use technologies in their classroom to improve teaching and learning in North Dakota. Below you will find a variety of resources, free curriculum, student competitions and events, organizations and programs, professional development, and more!

Featured Free Curriculum

Featured Free Curriculum Find Curricula offers a variety of free curriculum for K-12. Subjects include Cybersecurity, Coding Fundamentals, Networking, Robotics in the Classroom, Cyber Literacy, and more! Browse through the list of Courses, Units, and Activities to find Curricula for your classroom. CS Fundamentals (K-5)

Designed to be fun and engaging,’s progression of Computer Science Fundamentals courses blend online and “unplugged” non-computer activities to teach students computational thinking, problem solving, programming concepts and digital citizenship. CS Discoveries (6-10)

Computer Science Discoveries is an introductory course for 6 – 10th grade students that can be flexibly taught as a single semester, two semesters over multiple years, or as a full year course. Mapped to CSTA standards, the course takes a wide lens on computer science by covering topics such as problem solving, programming, physical computing, user-centered design, and data, while inspiring students as they build their own websites, apps, games, and physical computing devices. CS Principles (9-12)

Designed for 9 – 12 grade students, CS Principles introduces students to the foundational concepts of computer science and challenges them to explore how computing and technology can impact the world. This year-long course can be taught as an introductory course and as an AP course – no prerequisites required for students or teachers new to computer science! CS Principles complements CS Discoveries with a deeper focus on concepts such as how the internet works and the societal impacts of computer science. 

Student Competitions and Events

Student Competitions and Events

Cyber Madness

The ND Cyber Madness High School and Middle School Tournaments are friendly competition events created to get students involved in cybersecurity.

Cyber Start America

CyberStart America invites you to play a free, immersive cybersecurity training game for high school students, built by world leaders in cybersecurity education. Complete as many challenges as you can in CyberStart and you may qualify for scholarship opportunities offered by the National Cyber Scholarship Foundation!

Cyber Patriot

CyberPatriot is the National Youth Cyber Education Program created by the Air Force Association to inspire K-12 students toward careers in cybersecurity or other STEM disciplines critical to our nation’s future. At the core of the program is the National Youth Cyber Defense Competition, the nation’s largest cyber defense competition that puts high school and middle school students in charge of securing virtual networks.

VEX Robotics Competition

All students are natural scientists and engineers. They love to question, tinker, experiment and play. VEX competitions foster these skills and capitalize on the motivational effects of competitions and robotics to help all students create an identity as a STEM learner. Tournaments are held year-round at the regional, state, and national levels and culminate at the VEX Robotics World Championship each April! 

ND K12 Technology Showcase

EduTech invites you to showcase your classroom technology in the ND K12 Technology Showcase at the North Dakota State Capitol. We want to see the amazing ways your school is engaging students with computer science and cybersecurity. Students will demonstrate to and interact with state leaders and stakeholders.

Organizations and Programs

Organizations and Programs


The GenCyber program provides cybersecurity experiences for students and teachers at the secondary level. GenCyber camps are open to all student and teacher participants at no cost.

Girls Who Code

Girls Who Code is on a mission to close the gender gap in technology and to change the image of what a programmer looks like and does. Girls Who Code offers a variety of programs and events including student clubs, summer programs, and college & career programs.


UCodeGirl is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization designed to inspire, engage, and equip young women with leadership traits, computational thinking skills, and entrepreneurial mindsets. With various age-appropriate enrichment programs and STEM mentorship initiatives, uCodeGirl makes technology learning accessible, relevant and fun.


The National Center for Women & Information Technology (NCWIT) is the farthest-reaching network of change leaders focused on advancing innovation by correcting underrepresentation in computing.

  • The NCWIT Award for Aspirations in Computing (AiC) honors 9th-12th grade female students and educators for their computing-related achievements and interests and encourages them to pursue their passions.
  • Counselors for Computing (C4C) - The NCWIT Counselors for Computing (C4C) program provides information and resources that help counselors join the front line of the computing conversation. We bring people and programs together with professional development, knowledge, and resources to give all students access to transformative computing careers.

Microsoft TEALS Program

Technology Education and Literacy in Schools (TEALS) is a Microsoft Philanthropies program that builds sustainable CS programs in high schools and focus on serving students excluded from learning CS because of race, gender, or geography. TEALS helps teachers learn to teach CS by pairing them with industry volunteers and proven curricula.

Professional Development Trainings and Workshops

Professional Development Trainings and Workshops

Register today for an upcoming training workshop. EduTech provides access to a wide variety of trainings, workshops, and professional development opportunities. Learn more about training options, and how you can earn PD Credits

View all Upcoming Training Sessions

CYBER.ORG 8-hour asynchronous training opportunities:

Professional Development Conferences

Professional Development Conferences


IgniteND is an exciting conference focused on innovative education and inspiring a love of life-long learning. This three (3) day conference is an opportunity for educators and industry, parents and policymakers, to engage on 21st century education topics – including computer science and cybersecurity as foundational for success in a global, digital economy.

CSTA Annual Conference

CSTA's Annual Conference is a chance for computer science teachers to come together to find strength in their local community through networking events, engage with PD, and to identify ways to impact students and teachers outside your classroom. 

NDATL Conference

NDATL – North Dakota Association of Technology Leaders – is committed to the improvement of education through the use of technology. With membership totaling over 250 and conference attendance over 200, we invite you to join us as we push the boundaries of education by harnessing the power of technology to advance learning and teaching! 

Additional Resources

Additional Resources



Credentials and Certificates

Guidance and Policies


HB 1398 makes North Dakota the first state to require Cybersecurity and Computer Science credits for high school graduation. Learn more about HB1398 and how to implement these new education requirements: 

HB1398 Starter Guide