For emergency questions, please submit a ticket to the Help Desk
Good password Hygiene
- Password length should be at least 12 characters. Industry recommendation today is at least 15 characters.
- Include letters, numbers, and special characters.
- If you use a 15-character password, change the password annually or sooner if you detect the password has been compromised.
- Shorter passwords should be changed more frequently.
- Avoid common information found on your social media accounts (child’s name, geographic features near your location, geographical sports teams).
- Never reuse passwords (same password for multiple sites).
- Use a password phrase to memorize a complex password easier.
- My grandfather took me fishing at Lake Michigan in 1993 and had Chicago-style pizza = Mgtmf@LMi93&hCp.

PowerSchool is an innovative K-12 software program utilized by all public schools in North Dakota to improve educational outcomes and simplify school operations. EduTech employs a team of specialists to support and train PowerSchool users in our school systems.
New to PowerSchool?
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PowerSchool Training Opportunities
View all upcoming PowerSchool training opportunities
This Month's Featured Trainings:
eTranscript Training and Help Day
This workshop will introduce you to the procedure to view, certify, and send a student?`s eTranscript. Participants will be shown what setup procedures need to be done at each school in order for eTranscript to function properly.Participants will also have opportunity to receive help using eTranscript as well as using features included in eTranscript such as scholarship Progress monitoring and the student/parent ND Education portal access from within PowerSchool.
PowerSchool End of Term
Do you still have many questions when storing grades at the end of the term? Are you wondering what to put in for cutoff dates in the permanently storing grades section and wondering when and where to store credit? EduTech will be covering the basics on how to store grades and will also take you through other steps that need to be completed at the end of each term. EduTech will also look at your district's GPA calculations and how your district calculates honor roll, class rank and cumulative GPA.
PowerSchool Understanding GPA
What method does your school use to calculate GPAs? Learn how your school calculates GPA for Class Rank, Honor Roll and how to trouble shoot incorrect GPAs.