Student Contacts is one of the most highly anticipated PowerSchool features ever. It transforms the way people are associated with students, supporting interconnected relationships and modern family structures. Contacts are now their own entity in PowerSchool, with their own data that can be shared with multiple students in a way that is relational and dynamic.
Topic Details
Topic Skill
Topic Eligible for PD Credit
Topic Cost
$ 20 per participant
Topic Min Participants
Topic Max Participants
Topic Duration
Topic Major Goal
To provide a new, more modern way to track contacts related to a student
Objective Description
  • Describe the key features and functionalities of Student Contacts in PowerSchool, including the transformation of contact relationships, the concept of contacts as independent entities, and the ability to share contact data across multiple students.
  • Evaluate the impact of Student Contacts on modern educational environments, examining how the relational and dynamic nature of contact management supports diverse family structures and enhances communication among stakeholders, thereby contributing to improved student engagement and support.
  • Utilize the backward compatibility layer of Student Contacts within PowerSchool to integrate and maintain existing district practices, ensuring a smooth transition to the updated system while leveraging familiarity with previous PowerSchool functionalities.

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