What do we need to do to keep ourselves safe online? How can we protect our identities and the devices we use? What are others doing online that could cause me harm? These questions and more are discussed in the Introduction to Cybersecurity course to help you lead a safer cyber existence. The hands-on labs utilize the CYBER.ORG Range, which is a no-cost cyber range for all K-12 students and educators. This condensed course covers cybersecurity concepts introduced in Units 1 – 4 of CYBER.ORG’s Intro to Cybersecurity course.
Topic Details
Topic Skill
Topic Prereq
Intro to Cybersecurity Part 2
Topic Eligible for PD Credit
Topic Cost
$ 0 per participant
Topic Min Participants
Topic Max Participants
Topic Duration
Topic Major Goal
This 8-hour course introduces educators to cybersecurity concepts to gain knowledge and confidence to teach those concepts to students.
Objective Description
  • Break down the process of computing binary and hexadecimal numbers, demonstrating a deep understanding of the underlying principles and the ability to analyze and manipulate these numerical systems.
  • Define the CIA Triad and articulate its key principles in the context of cybersecurity.
  • Explain social engineering techniques, phishing, and tools for Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) with an understanding of their purposes and potential risks.
  • Utilize the Terminal for both Linux and Windows environments to execute commands and employ various tools for practical cybersecurity tasks.

Upcoming Sessions

Title City
- Intro to Cybersecurity Part 1