
Please allow 48 hours for this static ip request to be fulfilled. Thank You.

The purpose of this form is to request a TXT Record to be added to DNS for your school.

The fields in the form below preceded with an asterisk (*) must be filled in and done so correctly for this form to be processed. To help you in doing this the following is a brief description of what we are looking for in each field.

Only the school’s Tech Coordinator can request a TXT Record. The response once the TXT Record has been added will only go to the Tech Coordinator’s EduTech email address.
The name of the school requesting the TXT Record.
The phone number of the person to contact in case there are any questions about the request or if any problems arise.
This is the domain name of your school that you want to apply the TXT Record to like (please leave off the www.)
This is the string for the TXT Record you will be requesting.  The service that requires a TXT Record will provide this for you. (like “google-site-verification=aferacera8es7ffa98es7ea09fe78afa908f7faes7s7” for Google site verification)
This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.