
Note: Contact Tabitha Teel ( to find your school districts point of contact for training and outreach services

All training and service fees should be sent to the Bismarck mailing address.

  • Credit cards are not accepted.
    • Please do not issue payment until invoiced
    • EduTech is unable to issue refunds

Tech Literacy

Workshops and engagements to enhance technology literacy and basic usage. 

These workshops are mostly provided to schools on site and customized to meet the school’s needs. 

We do offer a few classes through EduTech in an online environment: Virtual Experiences, Office 365 Mobile Apps, and Digital Citizenship. 

Microsoft Learn Educator Center

We also encourage teachers to visit the Microsoft Learn Educator Center. They offer courses on Microsoft products to help utilize these tools in the classroom. There are many Learning Paths teachers can explore, see below for examples. When finished with your coursework, submit your transcript to this form.

CyberEducation and STEM

Workshops and engagements related to STEM, cybereducation, and cybersecurity.

Student Information and Data Systems  

Workshops and engagements related to the Statewide Longitudinal Data System. (PowerSchool)

E-Rate and Network

Workshops and Engagements related to STAGEnet network, equipment, and associated funding

Engagements and Experiences

Events and engagements generally provided by external or third parties

Special Topics

Workshops and engagements customized for specific activities and hosts

North Dakota Citizens Skills for All

Designed for learner success, Skills for All provides free, quality, self-paced online learning aligned to industry jobs and connects learners to in-demand entry-level IT jobs, industry certifications, and valuable career resources. Skills for All from Cisco Networking Academy gives learners everywhere — from all backgrounds and experiences — a pathway to a career in technology.

PD Credit

15 hours = 1 credit! Information about how to register for a PD credit through EduTech.

Training Calendar

Dates and locations for EduTech trainings around North Dakota.