Explore the possibilities of using mobile devices in the classroom. Whether you have access to Chromebooks or iPads there are multiple ways to demonstrate student learning. Mobile devices gives students an engaged learning experience with any project or lesson.
Topic Details
Topic Skill
Topic Eligible for PD Credit
Topic Cost
$ 45 per participant
Topic Min Participants
Topic Max Participants
Topic Duration
Topic Major Goal
Explore various educational apps and website you can use with a Chromebook and/or iPad.
Objective Description
  • Examine the effectiveness of mobile devices in fostering engaged learning experiences by critically evaluating the impact of projects and lessons on student comprehension and participation, leading to the identification of best practices for integration.
  • Recall and list diverse features of mobile devices available in the classroom, including those on Chromebooks and iPads, to demonstrate an understanding of their technological capabilities.
  • Utilize mobile devices to create and design interactive learning activities that showcase student comprehension, employing various apps and tools to implement innovative teaching methods.

Upcoming Sessions

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