The exit code, graduation date, and civics test date are required fields for all graduating seniors within eTranscript providing evidence the student has graduated, date of graduation, and when civics test was passed. This information needs to be entered into PowerSchool at least 4 days before attending the End of Year training.
Topic Details
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Topic Eligible for PD Credit
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$ 0 per participant
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Topic Major Goal
The exit code, graduation date, and civics test date are required fields for all graduating seniors within eTranscript providing evidence the student has graduated, date of graduation, and when civics test was passed.
Objective Description
  • Explain the significance of the required information in the context of verifying a student successful graduation, including its role in providing evidence of completion and facilitating accurate record-keeping.
  • Recall and list the mandatory fields (exit code, graduation date, civics test date) that are necessary for documentation within eTranscript for graduating seniors, demonstrating their completion of graduation requirements.
  • Utilize the PowerSchool platform to input the mandatory information for graduating seniors at least four days prior to the End of Year training, ensuring timely and accurate documentation of their achievements and enabling smooth administrative processes.

Upcoming Sessions

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