Explore resources and information about digital citizenship and cyber security to prepare you and your students. We will also explore appropriate technology usage and become aware of the dangers of the cyberworld. Resources will be identified to best fit your classroom setting.
Topic Details
Topic Skill
Topic Eligible for PD Credit
Topic Cost
$ 45 per participant
Topic Min Participants
Topic Max Participants
Topic Duration
Topic Major Goal
Explore the resources for identity theft (passwords, phishing), cyberbullying (flaming), cyber predators, pornography (sexting and texting).
Objective Description
  • Evaluate various online scenarios and distinguish between safe and risky behaviors, utilizing critical thinking to assess potential cyber threats and propose strategies for fostering a secure digital environment for both yourself and your students.
  • Explain the significance of responsible technology usage and the implications of cyber threats, demonstrating comprehension of the interconnectedness between digital citizenship, cyber security, and personal well-being.
  • Recall key concepts related to digital citizenship and cyber security, including terminology, principles, and fundamental practices, to establish a foundational understanding.

Upcoming Sessions

No sessions for this topic are scheduled. Contact your Regional IT Specialist to schedule this workshop.