Developing a data mindset utilizing the A+ Inquiry and the SLDS.
Topic Details
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Topic Eligible for PD Credit
Topic Cost
$ 0 per participant
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Topic Duration
Topic Major Goal
Developing a data mindset utilizing the A+ Inquiry and the SLDS.
Objective Description
  • Apply the A+ Inquiry and SLDS methodologies to analyze real-world datasets, demonstrating the ability to select appropriate techniques, interpret results, and draw meaningful conclusions to solve complex problems.
  • Create a comprehensive data strategy by integrating A+ Inquiry and SLDS techniques with domain-specific knowledge, showcasing the capacity to design innovative approaches for data-driven decision-making and effective communication of insights to diverse stakeholders.
  • Define the key concepts of A+ Inquiry and SLDS, including their fundamental principles and components, to establish a foundational understanding of data-driven approaches.

Upcoming Sessions

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